Hummelstown Organizations

American Legion Post 265
The American Legion provides life-changing assistance and guidance for veterans, military personnel, their families and communities in thousands of ways every day around the world. Help comes in the form of personal assistance, cash grants, donated goods, disaster relief, labor, networking, volunteerism and advocacy.

Cub Scout Pack 74 - Trinity UMC
Cub Scout Pack 74 is located in Hummelstown, PA and is chartered by Trinity United Methodist Church. Our mission is to provide a program for boys that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness all while living up to the Cub Scout Motto… “Do Your Best!”

Elder Express
Need a ride for any reason within a 20 mile radius of Hummelstown? Any borough resident 60 or older can arrange transportation by calling Elder Express at 717-566-7000 between 9AM and noon weekdays. They are all about service and to use it you simply need to sign up and make a reservation at least 24 hours ahead.
Looking for volunteers! If you can answer the phone and fill out a scheduling sheet, you can assist in the office (weekday mornings). As a driver, you must be a ease entering and exiting a vehicle and helping others do the same (weekday mornings or afternoons). To volunteer, please call Jay Stanton at 717-566-3415.

Grace United Methodist Church
The Community of Grace began its ministry in the center Hummelstown in 1851 as a mission. In 1863, its location was at 18 North Hanover Street with a membership of twenty. In August 1961, the congregation voted to relocate to its present site. For nearly 150 years we have maintained a family-centered ministry, while at the same time taking an active role in outreach and missions. In 1992, the Grace Congregation renovated the facility and created Grace Christian Child Care, a ministry that cares for over 100 children each day. In response to our growing congregation and a desire for more opportunities for ministry, the congregation voted in 1997 to expand our facility by building a new sanctuary, classrooms, office suite, kitchen, and fellowship hall.

Hershey Islamic Center
We practice and promote a comprehensive and balanced view of Islam. We strive to embody the “middle path” to which the Qur’an calls – a path of moderation that is free of extremism. We believe that the core teachings of Islam are universal and timeless, providing guidance and instruction for all times and all peoples.

Hummelstown Area Historical Society
The Hummelstown Area Historical Society was founded in 1971 by a group of residents who wanted to preserve artifacts which illustrate the history of the community. These residents desired to establish an organization which would not only preserve, but educate and disseminate historical information to residents, students, and scholars. This became the mission of the Society and today, their original commitment to this mission has become even stronger. The Society’s Constitution also provides for “the preservation of the material and accessibility, as far as feasible, to all who wish to examine or study it.”

Hummelstown Baseball and Softball Association
The HBSA is a non-profit organization serving the youth of the Lower Dauphin community by teaching sportsmanship and the game of baseball or softball. HBSA officers, coaches and parents are all volunteers that freely give their time to ensure that the children of the community are given the opportunity to have fun while enjoying America's favorite pastime.

Hummelstown Borough
Hummelstown is a convenient and pleasant place to live. It is located in Dauphin County, approximately nine miles east of Harrisburg, the state capital. Hummelstown is primarily a bedroom community with most of its 4,000+ residents employed outside the Borough limits. Many clubs and organizations are also active in the Borough. Residents of the Borough and surrounding area may choose to enroll their children in any level of scouting or youth sports or may, themselves, join one of the various civic organizations.

Hummelstown Cemetery Association
The Hummelstown Cemetery has been your community cemetery since 1859 and we have a variety of spaces and locations available. Within our gates are buried nearly 7000 people who lived from the Revolutionary War era to modern day. The cemetery is located only a few blocks south of center of town and is 26 acres in size. We have earned a long reputation of being one of the best-maintained cemeteries in the region.

Hummelstown Food Pantry
For over twenty years, congregational, faith and community based organizations have provided outreach through the Hummelstown Food Pantry. The Pantry is sponsored and supported by the Hummelstown Ministerium and is directed, supervised and managed solely by volunteers from the Hummelstown area community.

Hummelstown Library - William H. & Marion C. Alexander Family Library
The Hummelstown Library is part of the Dauphin County Library System. There is space for expanded collections and ease of access for library users, a dedicated children’s area, four library program/community meeting rooms, area specific for teens, adult reading and study area and many computer terminals.

Hummelstown Swim Team
The Hummelstown Flamingos’ Swim Team is a summer age-group team in the Mid-Penn Swim League. Swimmers are aged 4-18 and participate in 4-5 dual meets, optional invitational meets, as well as Divisional championship, All-Star, and Mid-Cap Championship meets. The team also hosts the Jack Goepfert Memorial Relay Invitational, a relay-only meet that has become a favorite of area swimmers.

Lower Dauphin Alumni Association
The Lower Dauphin Alumni Association was founded in 1989 as part of a plan to collect and preserve historical artifacts, design fundraising projects to support student activities and academics, and as a contact point for alumni. The official organizational meeting of the Lower Dauphin Alumni Association (LDAA) was held on April 15, 1989 where by-laws were approved and officers elected. By June LDAA had 600 members.

Lower Dauphin Communities That Care
The mission of Lower Dauphin Communities That Care is to initiate a community-wide effort for all children in the Lower Dauphin community to grow up to be healthy, productive adults. LD CTC focuses its programs in the Borough of Hummelstown and the townships of Conewago, East Hanover, Londonderry and South Hanover. The sole goal of all of our programs is to support the education of our community’s children by promoting healthy lifestyles and practices which shall significantly increase productive behaviors and provide a safe and healthy environment.

Lower Dauphin Falcon Foundation
The Lower Dauphin Falcon Foundation was formed as a way for the community to show its pride in our students and to help support and enhance additional programs for them. A not-for-profit organization, it was established in 2006 to foster greater community support in the education and development of the students in the Lower Dauphin School District.

Manada Conservancy
During the past 20 years Manada Conservancy has grown from a seed of hope in the minds of a few individuals to a community of more than 400 members. Because of your generous support and many volunteer hours of labor, we have been able to work with landowners to protect nearly 2,500 acres of land in Dauphin County, present more than 100 environmental education programs, develop a native plant initiative, offer outdoor opportunities, and engage with businesses and other organizations that share our mission.

National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution
The Harrisburg chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was founded May 19, 1894, and is named after DAR Patriot John Harris Jr.
Our 200+ members serve the community through projects supporting veterans, active military service members and their families, new citizens, school children, and many others.
We are women ages 18 and up, from a wide variety of backgrounds, points-of-view, and beliefs. Our common thread is our passion in serving God, home, and country.
Today's Daughters are continuing our 130-year tradition of honoring Revolutionary War Patriots through historic preservation, educational programs, and patriotism, as we approach our nation's 250th birthday in 2026.

Shephard's Closet
The Shepherd’s Closet is a free clothing ministry for all in need at Trinity United Methodist Church. Shoppers MUST wear masks both over your mouth and nose at all times inside the building and the number of items received is limited to five per person onsite from each household.
Volunteers staff the shop during regular hours. The shop is open every week as follows with the exception of closures for special occasions: Wednesdays, noon to 3 PM; the first and third Thursdays of each month from 6-8 PM; and the second and fourth Saturdays from 9-11 AM. Donations of “gently used” in-style clothing—especially children’s and teens—are encouraged during shop hours and may be placed on the cart outside. We accept clothing for all shapes and sizes, though inventory varies throughout the season dependent upon quality donations.
Shepherd’s Closet opened in February 2004 in response to a community need for no-cost clothing. We do not require financial screening. Monetary donations accepted, but not expected. We generally serve 30-100 people each week, most from the local area, though shoppers have traveled from Carlisle, Perry County, York County, and the other side of Lebanon for our services.
For more info or to volunteer, contact coordinator Wenda Harman at 717-566-0252.

The Giving Tree of Hummelstown and Hershey
The Giving Tree of Hummelstown and Hershey is a local grassroots group of passionate, energized women dedicated to providing basic necessities to our community members, adults, and children who are in transition or need support. We operate through a rich database of resources to find solutions. We network and make connections. We provide assistance necessary to help families through times of crisis or transition. We Empower versus Enable and we are there for everyone, not just those who are economically unable

Trinity United Methodist Church
There are many ongoing ministries at Trinity. Much of our continued support aids those with unique needs in our congregation and local community. From free clothing at The Shepherd’s Closet to gathering essential food staples for the Hummelstown Food Pantry, Trinity is deeply tied to her local community.

United Church of Christ
In 2014, based on basic justice concerns and commitment to open hearted hospitality, The United Church of Christ of Hummelstown began to discuss and reflect theologically on the meaning of becoming an Open and Affirming congregation. Though as a congregation, we understood ourselves as already open to diversity, we understood the significance of a public statement that held our progressive Christianity and our commitment to affirm all God’s children together as integral to our particular mission.

Zion Lutheran Church
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, founded in 1753, has a rich history. The church is easily recognized by its location just one block west of the town square on West Main Street in Hummelstown. The brownstone exterior and beautiful stained-glass windows give the building its character and charm. However, the real personality of the church is shaped by the people who gather for worship, Christian Education, outreach projects, and other ministries that serve in the name of Jesus Christ.